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JSmithVALB 3,8,6,12

Jordan Smith


VALB sticky note

Miss. Bryant 7th period

Time & it’s Control- Politicians don’t have time to listen to american options they only got time for them selves. This is stated in “Requiem for the American Dream”
Future Orientation- NASA predicted that the’re will be full Solar eclipse.
Self-Help- When I was in a basketball game I was thinking about myself making sure I got my points.
Practicality/Efficiency- Jem is being practical by taking care of his arm so he can play football. This is stated in “TKAM”



Tutoring for after school is at 4:00 P.M. today (Feb. 15th). I am normally, always, after school to help students. However, please do ask before coming. I will wait 15 minutes. If no one shows up I will go home. Remember, to have all required supplies for this course and work. Have questions and work ready. In order for me to help you, you must also help yourself.


UPDATE (6:00 PM)

After school tutoring was a blast! It was wonderful to see you all push yourselves to think more critically. I know it was difficult at the beginning, but I am truly happy to see you all grow. Thank you to the following students for showing up: Kylan T. & Mark W. (10th GD) and Se’aira C. (9th GD). Se’aira, thank you for your contributions to the 10th grade students.