Tag Archives: CITE

Citations (MLA)

Please post your citations here on the blog as a comment.   Be sure to write something you have learned about each source you post. Type the topic you reference and add your sources. You should at least have two or more sources to post here as a comment. The other requirement is to write a summary about what you’ve learned for each source you post. You can research any topic(s) of your choice. For an example, you can research some of the following topics:

  • Environmental Issues
  • Ban on Muslims
  • Gender Issues
  • Masculinity
  • Women’s Rights
  • POC
  • Other topic of your choice.

Be sure to type in your first initial and full last name and your class period. Then, proceed to type the required assignment. Type your information into Microsoft Word before posting it as a comment on the blog. Then copy (CTRL + C) and paste (CTRL + V) it as a comment. This way, you can check your information before submitting it.

Remember, ELA, is a humanities (the human race; human beings collectively) subject area. Therefore, refusal to acknowledge or learn about issues of difference and equal treatments regardless of sexual orientation, religion, gender, nationality, etc. is not tolerable and neither should your peers tolerate this sort of behavior. Anything submitted in this course targeting hatred, discrimination, and/or bigotry in ways described above, at a minimum, would receive a zero.

Do not commit plagiarism. Do your own work.


MARCH 18, 2017 by 11:59 p.m.